| | Caddyshack (72%)72% | (530) | wins | 27% | (203) | losses | 100% | (733) | have seen it. | 0% | (0) | have not seen it. | Recently Conquered: Dragonlance | Recently Defeated By: She's the Man |
Genres: Comedy
An exclusive golf course has to deal with a brash new member and a destructive dancing gopher.
Starring: Chevy Chase as Ty Webb, Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervik, Ted Knight as Judge Elihu Smails, Michael O'Keefe as Danny Noonan, Bill Murray as Carl Spackler, Sarah Holcomb as Maggie O'Hooligan, Scott Colomby as Tony D'Annunzio, Cindy Morgan as Lacey Underall, Dan Resin as Dr. Beeper, Henry Wilcoxon as The Bishop |