Tweens & Teens Movie Night Activity: The Princess Bride
“You keep saying that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
When you’re not feeling well, what’s better than having your grandfather read you a fairytale about adventure and true love? The only thing more fun than that would be watching The Princess Bride and enjoying these Movie Night Activities with your tweens, teens, their friends and your ClearPlay.
Wear While Watching:
*Prince Humperdinck wants to marry Buttercup even though she’s a commoner and doesn’t love him. Dress up in your fanciest attire while you watch this movie and see what Buttercup felt like being treated like royalty.
*Wesley becomes a pirate who wears mask & all black. Grab all the black clothing you can find and have your family and friends dress like The Dread Pirate Roberts or wear your own style of pirate clothes and come up with your own pirate name.
Home Theater Décor:
*Decorate your home with ropes and fake rocks to make it look like the places Wesley found with Fezzik and Inigo, or make your place look like the Fire Swamp complete with fake R.O.U.S’s for people to avoid. You could even make a line down the room with masking tape and label one side Florin and the other side Guilder.
*Use fake swords to spruce up the place and let your guests take them home with them as party favors after watching the movie or fake fight along with the movie each time there is a sword fight. You could even use them to storm the castle, especially if you’ve decorated a certain part of your house to look like the castle.
Movie Munchies:
*When the sick boy’s grandfather comes over to read to him, there is a bag of Cheetoes on his bed. Grab a bag of the cheesy snacks for everyone to enjoy while they listen and watch the story of Buttercup and Wesley.
*When the Dread Pirate Roberts finds Vizzini, he’s sitting near a rock with a spread of apples, cheese, bread and drinks in front of him. Have the same choices for your movie watching group. Remember to have drinks for everyone and then switch who they belong to right before they drink them.
*Miracle Max and Valerie make a Miracle Pill for Inigo to give to Wesley and they cover it in chocolate to help it go down easier. Have some chocolates for your fellow movie viewers to eat with you. Remember to “wait 15 minutes for full potency” and not to go swimming after you’ve had them for at least an hour.
Movie Inspired Adventures:
*Inigo and Fezzik make Vizzini crazy by speaking in rhyme with each other. Try having a conversation in all rhyme or even see how much of the movie night you can spend using just phrases that rhyme.
*Go to your local thrift store and get multiple pairs of gloves. Cut some of them apart and let each of your guests sew an extra onto their own pair of gloves so they can look like the 6 Fingered Man. Remember to wear that glove on your left hand!
*The Grandpa in the movie says, “When I was your age, television was called books.” It just so happens that this movie was based on a book by the same name. Grab a copy of the book and have everyone read the book and then compare it to the movie.
*LyndiLou* - Movie Mom Raised On Princess Bride & Can Still Quote Nearly The Whole Show
Rated PG; 98 mins; Directed by Rob Reiner