• Movie Filter - The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants - Date: 10/11/2005
  • Available Formats
  • Parental Advisories
    Content Warnings:

    General Themes and Other Content:
    Non-Sensual/Non-Crude Sex Talk,
    Implied Premarital Sex,
    Some Suggestive Dancing,
    Alcohol Consumption,
    Bar/Club Environment,
    Intense Thematic Elements,
    Dysfunctional Relationships
  • Starring
    Amber Tamblyn
    Alexis Bledel
    America Ferrera
    Blake Lively
    Jenna Boyd
    Bradley Whitford
    Nancy Travis
    Rachel Ticotin
    Mike Vogel
    Michael Rady

  • The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

    Four teens, four different personalities, four unique paths, one pair of pants. That’s the story of how the traveling pants came to be; a pair of pants that strangely fit all of their different bodies and would prove to be the fabric that holds them together during the tumultuous trials of pre-womanhood.

    ClearPlay In Action!

    The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is a coming of age story for four different girls so be prepared to face an onslaught of boy problems, body insecurities, family drama, and even death. Blake Lively’s character, in particular, seeks approval from others by flaunting her body in super skimpy outfits all of which show plenty of legs, arms, and chest. One scene shows her and a boy making out clearly leading to sexual intercourse, we are spared everything except the make-out scene. Alexis Bledel’s character falls in love with a boy and it’s a cleaner romance including just a few short kissing scenes. The film does dive into some serious matters such as sex, cancer, and death so I would recommend the film for ages 14+.

    Will The Traveling Pants Make it to Your Home?

    I only hope that The Traveling Pants make it to your home because this is one of those films that every teenager (er 14+) would have a BLAST watching at a “stay late” or a slumber party! It has all the components of a teen chic flick, and when watched on your ClearPlayer with medium filters it’s pretty clean. I love the bond that the girls have and the way they support each other. The acting is spot-on and depicts four different types of teenage personalities perfectly without the “nails-on chalkboard-effect”. It’s a fun film for teenage girls and women with teenage souls (aka: me).

    Trisha - Proud to be a Mom with a teenage soul.

    Rated PG for thematic elements, some sensuality and language; 119 min; Directed by Ken Kwapis
  • Comments

The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants

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