• Movie Filter - Rain Man - Date: 11/1/2003
  • Available Formats
  • Parental Advisories
    Content Warnings:

    General Themes and Other Content:
    Thematic Sexual Situation(s),
    Implied Premarital Sex,
    Revealing Clothing,
    Alcohol Consumption,
    Bar/Club Environment,
    Mature Thematic Elements,
    Divorce Topic,
    Dysfunctional Relationships
  • Starring
    Dustin Hoffman
    Tom Cruise
    Valeria Golino
    Gerald R. Molen
    Jack Murdock
    Michael D. Roberts
    Ralph Seymour
    Lucinda Jenney
    Bonnie Hunt
    Kim Robillard

  • Rain Man

    Tom Cruise plays a selfish car dealer whose father dies and leaves his older, autistic brother (Dustin Hoffman) nearly everything. In a desperate attempt to lay claim on the money he takes his brother on a cross country road trip to Los Angeles. However, the destination won’t mean as much to him in the end as the journey itself did.

    ClearPlay in Action!

    Numerous F-words and other swear words are neatly clipped out of this film with ClearPlay along with a noisy sex scene and some nudity. What’s left behind are some immodest outfits (mostly bare midriffs thanks to the 80’s) a couple uses of the word ‘retarded’, implied premarital relations and some thematic content. Charlie uses his brother for money both in the long term plot and in Las Vegas where he has Raymond count cards. There is just one scene that may make you uncomfortable when Charlie’s girlfriend kisses the autistic Raymond in an elevator. It’s a very clean kiss but a scene you may want to know about before going into it. Motherly Advice: This one would be ok for teens 14 and up if they can make it through the slow drama.

    Will Rain Man Reign Supreme for Your Family?...

    This is a truly excellent film for those of us who like some drama now and then. Cruise and Hoffman give phenomenal performances and the story is quite touching but never over the top with cheesy, unrealistic scenes of brotherly bonding. However, I am really very curious as to Hoffman’s performance. I don’t know any autistic people and so I only think he did a great job in portraying someone with those attributes. Does anyone out there have a better perspective on how a man with autism would act and react to the situations he’s posed with in this movie? How realistic is it?

    Danielle’ - ClearPlay Movie Counter

    Rated R; 133 min; Directed by Barry Levinson
  • Comments

Rain Man

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