• Movie Filter - Win Win - Date: 8/23/2011
  • Available Formats
  • Parental Advisories
    Content Warnings:

    General Themes and Other Content:
    Wrestling Fighting,
    Non-Graphic Injury/Wound,
    Drug References,
    Dysfunctional Relationships
  • Starring
    Paul Giamatti
    Amy Ryan
    Bobby Cannavale
    Jeffrey Tambor
    Burt Young
    Melanie Lynskey
    Alex Shaffer
    Margo Martindale
    David W. Thompson
    Mike Diliello

  • Win Win

    Mike Flaherty is a family man, small time lawyer, and volunteer wrestling coach for a losing team. He is also broke. To supplement his income he fakes guardianship of one of his clients, the underhanded deal leading him to the troubled Kyle, estranged grandson of his client and wrestler extraordinaire. Things start looking up for Mike’s finances and wrestling team until Kyle’s troubled mother arrives and threatens to undo everything.

    ClearPlay In Action!

    ClearPlay cleans up an incident of mooning, but language is what clogs the movie here, including about 15 ‘F” words, 40 ‘S’ words, and about everything else you can imagine. Expect plenty of muting with filters on full.

    Is Win Win a Win?…

    ClearPlay rescues this movie from its potty mouth, revealing a really sweet, heartfelt story that is fun and funny. It’s a story of trust, taking responsibility, and learning to sincerely care for others, but without ClearPlay, I think the language would get in the way. Well acted and entertaining, Win Win is a good show for anyone looking for an offbeat little dramedy.

    Brian Fuller - ClearPlay Assistant Wrestling Coach

    Rated R for Language; 106 min; Directed By Thomas McCarthy
  • Comments

Win Win

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