The Hunger Games
Call it Reality TV run amok. In the future, an annual event called the Hunger Games is used to settle a score for a former uprising against the government. A boy and girl, age 12 to 18, are chosen from each district to fight to the death in a televised tournament. When Katniss Everdeen’s (Jennifer Lawrence) sister is chosen, Katniss offers up herself as the first–ever volunteer for the Hunger Games.
ClearPlay In Action!
The brutality of this beloved young adult novel can’t be disguised: it’s about children killing children. The movie’s PG–13 rating is for “intense violent thematic material and disturbing images — all involving teens.” ClearPlay cleans up a handful of mild profanities, and though bloody mayhem is trimmed, the idea behind the entire plot may be too intense for younger viewers.
Will I need an appetite for violence to watch The Hunger Games?…
Violence as entertainment is more than a metaphor for sports and war. Aside from being a brilliant concept that hits uncomfortably close to home, The Hunger Games is well made and compelling. Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar–nominated for Winter’s Bone, adds gravitas to the role in this above–average adaptation. I just wouldn’t be too eager to show it to the whole family.
Marty Nabhan— ClearPlay Cadet
Rated PG–13 for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images – all involving teens; 142 min; Directed By Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda
Hunger Games
We Have A Victor!
In a dystopian future where the Capital rules and 12 Districts serve, a game has been created to remind those 12 Districts who reigns supreme in this world. Every year one young man and one young woman from each district is chosen to compete in The Hunger Games where they will fight to be the last living survivor, and there can only be one victor. Katniss Everdeen has volunteered for district 12 and she aims to win if only for the sake of her sister.
The best part of this movie in my opinion is the casting. Jennifer Lawrence is flawless as Katniss. Woody Harrelson makes a disgustingly wonderful Haymitch. Hutcherson, while not as brawny as I had pictured Peeta, pulls off this sweet character swimmingly. Effie was annoying and my own personal delight was to find one of my favorites, Stanley Tucci playing Caesar Flickerman. The Jury though is still out with Donald Sutherland as President Snow, we'll see. As best they could, directors and writers kept to the original plot line and cut only what was absolutely necessary and the actors carried out their roles with acting finesse.
The rest of the movie was equally fantastic. I thought the overall tone and volume of the film was expertly done. There were scenes when I expected there to be background music playing but the volume of the silence created that mood of terrified despair while other silences perfectly conveyed a quiet, shy hope in the faces of the characters. The film was quick paced but slowed down long enough for those emotional scenes you wanted to drink in. Some of the effects at first glance seemed cheap and cheesy but I think those qualities only contributed to the characteristics of the inhabitants of the Capital. The effects that mattered though were top notch and I was so tense in parts that being 13 months pregnant there were scenes that brought on hot flashes and Braxton Hicks for me! I loved it! I'm pretty sure the movie will be most loved though by those who have read the book.
Motherly Advice: Yes, it is very violent. There is blood, there is some gore and there are teenagers killing teenagers. It was a little much for me but my husband claims it wasn't that bad. The worst of it comes in that first scene when the games have begun. While there is no blood spray or guts spilling out you see teens killing teens their own age and younger than them. The camera may cut away just before or after the killing blow but you still know exactly what happened and it's just as appalling. The most graphic death was seeing one of the older boys snap the neck of a younger boy and that kind of made me gasp, even though I knew it was coming. It's a violent movie. We all knew it would be. It's what the story is about but it's not what the story condones, it's quite the opposite. But it's still there so if violence is a tender subject matter for you then wait for the filter. The filter will probably be great, while choppy in areas due to the violence I think it'll filter up nicely. There is no bad language and no sex with one very clean kiss and the most immodest it gets is Katniss' shoulderless dress. There are two graphic wound scenes, but I have kind of a weak stomach for wounds so I'm not sure it was completely as gross as I thought. With it's PG-13 rating for violence I'm thinking it just depends on your teen and I don't want to put a specific age on it. Certainly not any younger than 13 though.
Danielle'- Hunger Games Sponsor
P.S. For those who are saying that it didn't live up to the book, here is something for you to think about: When you read any book you can internalize every feeling and mood created for you and by you. It gets in your head because that's where you yourself have to create the story before you. A book written in a first person narrative takes this wonderful phenomenon and multiplies it by a thousand because you get to be in the head of your hero, feeling what they feel, thinking what they think. A movie based on a book written in this narrative has absolutely no way of living up to your expectations no matter how good it is. A first person narrative simply cannot be recreated in movie form the way it can in book form. The Help came about as close as any movie can and as much as I loved it, it still fell short in this one area. Go into The Hunger Games with this understanding and an open mind and you'll enjoy yourself a lot more. You can only fit so much detail and description into a 2 1/2 hour movie.
Rated PG–13 for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images – all involving teens; 142 min; Directed By Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda
Teens & Tweens Movie Night Activity: The Hunger Games
They just want a good show, that's all they want.
As punishment for disloyalty in the past, each of the 12 Districts of Panem have to send a young lady and a young man to The Capitol for a televised battle to the death. When her sister is chosen, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to go in her place. Will Katniss get to leave the arena alive? Watch this book-turned-movie for your next Teens Movie Night and find out. See our Film Father and Movie Mom reviews to help you decide if this movie is right for you.
Wear While Watching:
*The citizens of The Capitol dress up in all sort of extreme fashions. Wear costumes, bright over-the-top makeup, wigs and big hats while you watch the movie. You can’t have too many accessories either!
*Each of the Districts have a different responsibility to help provide for The Capitol: from coal miners to orchard farmers, power plant operators to fishermen. Assign each guest a different district and have them dress to match.
Movie Munchies:
*Serve up a meal or snacks like they would have to scrounge up in District 12. Have a roast or some meaty stew with your “illegal game.” Have bread from the bakery (like Gale traded for a squirrel) or have some darkened (aka partially burned) bread like the kind Peeta throws to Katniss instead of the pigs. You could also have some cheese from Prim’s goat milk.
*The Capitol does everything to the extreme. Included in their extravagance is their food. For dessert or movie snacks, provide a buffet of choice sweets that would make even Effie Trinket’s mouth water. Have Danishes, chocolate covered strawberries, cookies, cupcakes in multiple flavors. Include colorful candy to match their crazy clothing. There’s no end to the choices in The Capitol.
*Have some type of berries or a berry dessert and call them “Nightlock.” See if any of your guests are brave enough to have some Nightlock Cobbler or Nightlock Muffins.
Movie Inspired Adventures:
*Katniss has some amazing archery skills. See if there is an archery range that you could practice at or even sign up for lessons. You could take the whole group out shooting and see who is the best shot.
*Like other popular series of books and movies, there is a division between the fan base about who Katniss should end up with. Choose your “side” and make Team Gale or Team Peeta shirts (or Team Katniss for the guys) while watching the show. Use fabric paint, permanent markers or iron on decorations and get creative!
*The Hunger Games was based off the book of the same name by Suzanne Collins. Be sure to read the books to get the whole picture and read ahead to through the rest of the series to know what to expect from the upcoming movies.
*LyndiLou* - Movie Mom and Citizen of My Own Little Outlying District
Rated PG–13 for intense violent thematic material and disturbing images – all involving teens; 142 min; Directed By Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda