Here Comes The Boom
When hard economic times force the local high school to cut the music program, burned out Biology teacher Scott Voss decides to raise the money the school needs himself. His solution: fight for money in the underground Mixed Martial Arts arenas. He’s overweight, out of shape, and never fought MMA before, but with a little help he gets in the ring and makes a difference.
ClearPlay In Action!
The rated PG Here Comes The Boom has about ten instances of language to cut, mostly of the mild variety. There are a couple of crude or gross gags trimmed. The film deals with Mixed Martial Arts fighting and the UFC, so there are punches and kicks and knee strikes and throws. If you don’t want to expose your children to this sport, avoid this movie.
Is this Boom or Boring?...
Here Comes the Boom attempts to be a more comedic and family friendly Warrior. It wasn’t as funny as I had hoped, or action packed as I hoped, or as dramatic as I hoped, but when you put all the pieces together, Here Comes the Boom is decent entertainment. My favorite part of the movie was seeing good old Henry Winkler on screen again. So if you can suspend your disbelief enough to accept that someone with Kevin James’s general level of fitness could actually win a UFC fight, give it a chance.
Brian Fuller - ClearPlay MMA Fighter
Rated PG for bouts of MMA sports violence, some rude humor and language; 105 min; Directed by Frank Coraci