• Movie Filter - The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Date: 2/15/2013
  • Available Formats
  • Parental Advisories
    Content Warnings:
    Explicit Drug Use

    General Themes and Other Content:
    Revealing Clothing,
    Some Suggestive Dialogue,
    Non-Graphic Injury/Wound,
    Teen Partying,
    Alcohol Consumption,
    Mature Thematic Elements,
    Divorce Topic,
    Dysfunctional Relationships,
    Child Abuse Topic,
  • Starring
    Logan Lerman
    Dylan McDermott
    Kate Walsh
    Patrick de Ledebur
    Johnny Simmons
    Brian Balzerini
    Tom Kruszewski
    Nina Dobrev
    Nicholas Braun
    Julia Garner

  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

    Charlie is a traumatized high school freshman who suffers from mental illness stemming from tragedies in his young life. He is quiet and petrified of school, just hoping to survive. When he meets two seniors, Sam and Patrick, they accept him and introduce him into a group of outsiders where he can feel at home.

    ClearPlay In Action!

    The Perks of Being a Wallflower is rated PG–13, and they spread the budget around. You’ll find swearing, sexual remarks, groping, drug and alcohol use, implied sex, teens performing parts of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and adult themes throughout the entire movie. So yes, there will be muting and skips and a gap or two. Definitely not for children — or teenagers, for that matter.

    What are the Perks of This Film?…

    This film is about troubled kids dealing with the trauma of mental illness, sexual abuse, and social stigma. While the importance of friendship and love in healing is a central theme, values oriented viewers will likely find it difficult to relate to the film. While ClearPlay does what it can, there is no moral center as it concerns teen sexuality or substance abuse, portraying these as natural and even desirable parts of high school life. We feel deeply for all the well portrayed characters in their predicaments, but be aware that their lifestyle choices may be very different from the ones you embrace or want your children to embrace.

    Brian Fuller– ClearPlay Wallflower

    Rated PG-13 on appeal for mature thematic material, drug and alcohol use, sexual content including references, and a fight - all involving teens; 102 min; Directed By Stephen Chbosky
  • Comments

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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