When two young boys discover a mysterious man named Mud living on an island in the Mississippi river, they find out he has killed a man in Texas for hurting a woman he loves. Murderous bounty hunters descend on the small town looking for Mud, and the boys scheme to help the fugitive reunite with the love of his life and escape death or imprisonment.
ClearPlay In Action!
Swearing is ClearPlay’s main focus here, and Mud has enough swearing to cause a few long stretches of muting. The S word in particular is prevalent. While not frequent, there is some violence to be handled, and views of a gross snakebite are trimmed. Overall, the movie filters pretty well and would be appropriate, thematically, for older teens and up.
Is Oblivion Oblivious?…
Mud has interesting characters and a setup that promises more excitement than is actually delivered. While it is easy to care about the story and what happens, the film is very deliberately paced and feels long and drawn out. By way of warning, the movie does portray young teens engaged in the risky behavior of consorting with a stranger and a murderer and helping him. Also, viewers sensitive to gender issues may feel the film is a bit misogynistic as the point of the story seems to be that women are things men need to be rid of to be free and happy.
Brian Fuller — Mississippi Assassin
Rated PG-13 for some violence, sexual references, language, thematic elements and smoking; 130 min; Directed by Jeff Nichols