The Frozen Ground
Based on a true story, The Frozen Ground follows the case of a serial killer in Alaska (John Cusack) who has abducted and killed several prostitutes. A State Trooper (Nicolas Cage) follows leads, including a would-be victim who escaped (Vanessa Hudgens), to build a case. The problem: While he knows who the killer is, there is no hard evidence linking him to the crimes. If he arrests the killer, he runs the risk of losing the case, and the killer, for good.
ClearPlay In Action!
ClearPlay cleans up strip-club nudity, prostitute discussions, bodily functions, bloody violence, and language, but even without all that, it’s still a movie about a serial killer. The unseemly subject matter may put off many ClearPlay users, but fans of crime procedurals will probably enjoy following the story without the raw content.
Is The Frozen Ground cool, or just plain cold?...
The movie makes good use of locale, and Cage is surprisingly subdued compared to many of his other roles for the last decade. The performances are solid, but there is an overall feeling of gloom that is hard to shake. If you like your thrillers dark, Frozen Ground could be your cup of iced tea. Otherwise, wait for the Spring thaw.
Marty Nabhan - ClearPlay CSI
Rated R for violent content, sexuality/nudity, language and drug use; 105 min; Directed by Scott Walker