• Movie Filter - That Awkward Moment - Date: 5/22/2014
  • Available Formats
  • Parental Advisories
    Content Warnings:

    General Themes and Other Content:
    Non-Sensual/Non-Crude Sex Talk,
    Thematic Sexual Situation(s),
    Implied Premarital Sex,
    Revealing Clothing,
    Some Suggestive Dialogue,
    Alcohol Consumption,
    Bar/Club Environment,
    Mature Thematic Elements,
    Dysfunctional Relationships
  • Starring

  • That Awkward Moment

    In That Awkward Moment, three buddies (Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan) make a promise to support each other in their endless stream of hook-ups without getting into a committed relationship. Ironically, the promise comes just as they are each headed into committed relationships, including a husband trying to save his marriage. The title refers to the uncomfortable point during dating when the girl says, “So…” followed by a question such as, “Where is this relationship going?”

    ClearPlay In Action!

    ClearPlay deals with the near-constant barrage of sexual discussions, implied intercourse, scatological references, and profanity (about 190 instances). A scene in an adult toy store is edited, as are scenes involving lewd hand gestures and prosthetic genitalia. Because of the amount of content that requires editing, the end result is a bit choppy. The ClearPlayed version has a positive message about commitment, but its adult treatment is best suited for older teens and above.

    Is the moment Awkward, or is it the whole movie?...

    First the good: The ensemble cast under first-time director Tom Gormican has good chemistry, and the banter is believable. Unfortunately, much of the banter is also crude or pointless. There are certainly other rom-coms that have covered this ground and done it better. But if you’re a fan of the actors, you have nothing to lose, except maybe the 94-minute running time.

    Marty Nabhan - ClearPlay Confirmed Husband

    Rated R for sexual content and language throughout; 94 min; Directed by Tom Gormican
  • Comments

That Awkward Moment

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