Captain America: Winter Soldier
After the events of The Avengers, Captain Rogers (aka Captain America) works for S.H.I.E.L.D. helping to keep the world safe. But there is a sinister plot growing inside of S.H.I.E.L.D., and when Nick Fury is taken out, it’s up to Captain America to find the traitors and hunt down the mysterious Winter Soldier before an old enemy gets its hands on a weapon that could kill millions.
ClearPlay In Action!
ClearPlay mutes around 15 instances of language, mostly of the mild variety. There is no sexuality or nudity, but this is a grittier, more violent film than previous Marvel offerings. There are numerous beatdowns and gun battles, so things can get a little jumpy during some of the fights. With ClearPlay, this would be appropriate for older teens and up.
Should the Captain be my Captain?...
This is a good film. There’s intrigue, fantastic action sequences, and great character moments. Oh, and some nifty special effects, too. In some spots, it feels like a superhero version of the Bourne films, but it stays true to the Marvel Universe. What makes it stand apart is that it deals (lightly) with issues we struggle with today--privacy vs. security, preemptive strikes, manipulation by fear. All of this comes in an entertaining package that will appeal to superhero and action fans alike. Good stuff.
Brian Fuller - ClearPlay Summer Soldier
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, gunplay and action throughout ; 136 mins; Directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo