A rags-to-riches story loosely based on Joy Mangano’s successful development of the Miracle Mop. In the film, Joy (Jennifer Lawrence) always had resourceful ideas, but little encouragement. When she finally embraces her creative drive, she breaks the choke hold of her nay saying family and goes on to design and market an innovative mop.
ClearPlay In Action!
One F-bomb tries to soil the show, but ClearPlay easily cleans it up, and also removes several religious terms used as exclamation.
Does Joy mop up or sweep it under the rug?…
The film has grit, but not dirt. It doesn’t sugarcoat dysfunctional families, or even paint a pretty picture of entrepreneurial ventures, but refreshingly refrains from smearing sex and nudity on the screen. A film of value, Joy shines a light on using God-given talents, rising above difficult circumstances, and making positive changes. (Warning: may release a desire to doodle with crayons..don't squelch it.)
Trudy Bockoven, ClearPlay Mophead
Rated PG-13 for brief strong language; 124 mins; Directed by David O. Russell