Non Profit Support

The Consumer Electronics Association
CEA commends Chairman Smith for making it clear that digital content filters such as ClearPlay are legitimate legal products that do not in and of themselves violate copyright law. -- Gary Shapiro, President and CEO
The Movie Mom
"This is just the tool parents need to exercise their right and obligation as parents to protect their children from material they consider inappropriate." -- Nell Minnow, The Movie Mom
Focus On The Family
We are thrilled that leaders in the Judiciary have responded to grassroots America -- Steve Elliot - President
American Psychological Association
Hundreds of studies have confirmed that exposing our children to a steady diet of violence in the media makes our children more violence prone.
The Communitarian Network
The same fallacious arguments have been raised against other technologies. We were told when the V-chip was introduced, that it's going to be the end of the world. When ratings were introduced to the movies we were told that that's going to be end of creative skills. The evidence simply shows that no harm was done to the creative industry, but you help parents to protect their children. -- Amitai Etzioni, founder and director.
Joanne Cantor
And the makers of a tool like ClearPlay, which permits parents to filter out certain contents in movies, without altering the movie itself or infringing the rights of others, are being sued for copyright infringement. Small companies and nonprofit groups that are trying to provide helpful tools for parents live under the constant risk of lawsuits from powerful corporations -- Joanne Cantor
American Family Association
American Medical Association
American Association of Law Libraries, American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries, Medical Library Association
One Million Moms
One Million Dads
Electronic Fountier Foundation
Viewer Freedom
Morality in Media
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